
Why Law School?

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My interest in law started when my daughter graduated from William and Mary Law school. She was a prosecutor. I am so proud of her . When teaching philosophy, I became interested in the philosophy of law. As I mentioned to my niece, getting a law degree isn’t always because you want to practice in court. The reputation of such a degree gets you hired as a consultant to politicians and organizations. It teaches reason, persuasion, and confidence. I wish I had taken two years to go to law school instead of getting two Master degrees.

However, I purchased an online law course which focuses on the rules of trial. It is from Great–it has 44 thirty minute lectures by a very exciting professor with many examples from real cases. My faith in the justice of our law system was affirmed.

Now I can watch my favorite show, Law and Order Special Victim’s Unit and have great understanding of their court scenes.


By Donpete

I teach philosophy and psychology. I graduated from Ohio University, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and Chapman University in Orange County, California, I am a retired Air Force Chaplain and an ordained United Methodist clergy