
Best Books

Hi, the new bestseller by Michael Cohen, Disloyal, is one of the three best books I have ever read.  It is not because of any great secrets about Trump—I am only in the fifth chapter. Michael tells about his guilt to his family, of his growing up as a high school student with his uncle’s […]


Hopes from a poor student

For a high school senior this is excellent journalism: researched. and full of pathos. I wrote the editor asking the NYT to offer him college scholarship to recognize his promise as a writer. “Remote Learning is Hard. Losing a Relative is Worse” by Isaac Lozno, NYTimes Aug 13, 2020 SAN DIEGO — Last month, I […]


Why Law School?

My interest in law started when my daughter graduated from William and Mary Law school. She was a prosecutor. I am so proud of her . When teaching philosophy, I became interested in the philosophy of law. As I mentioned to my niece, getting a law degree isn’t always because you want to practice in […]

Biography Uncategorized


Hello, my name is Don Peterson. I am a retired Air Force Chaplain who has been teaching philosophy and psychology at University of Phoenix and the Community College of Denver for the past 25 years. I graduated from Ohio University in 1968, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio in 1971 and the Master’s program in […]


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