
My High School Days

I graduated in 1964 from a small high school in Millersport, Ohio. We had only 25 in our high school class. But for such a small school we had an excellent group of classes: physics, trigonometry, advanced algebra, and even a course on Latin! My best class was English taught by Tom Buckingham.  We also […]


My student churches

STORIES OF MY CHURCHES           When I was a sophomore at Ohio University, the Evangelical United Brethren Church gave me my first student churches.  It was a five-point charge—five churches in very rural southeastern Appalachian Ohio.  I preached at two churches on one Sunday and three other churches on the next Sunday.  Some of the […]


Our Family Vacation in Kentucky

This post is by my cousin Linda about family trips to Kentucky Memories of Grandpa and Grandma Everman My earliest memories of Grandpa and Grandma Everman were probably when I was about 7 or 8 years old.  We have a picture of our family in front of our car getting ready to leave the sprawling […]



LIFETIME ACCOMPLISHMENTS DON PETERSON Eagle Scout     1964 Cadet at The United States Air Force Academy     1964 Ohio University   B.A.  1968 Methodist Theological School in Ohio   M. Div.  1971 Chapman University, Orange California     M.A., Psychology  1982 Past Graduate Study at Arizona State in Religion Seabrook Institute, San Francisco     Ph. D. Studies United Methodist Church, Pastor for 32 years […]