Current Issues

Insurance Hi-Jacking


          I am a Type 2 diabetic. Fortunately I get my medicine from the Veterans Administration (VA) without costs except small fees I pay to VA.  But for the rest of Americans, the cost is soaring to as much as $1,200 a month.  It only costs drug companies $10.00 a vial to produce insulin so some legislators have capped co-pays at $100.00 a month.

          Good deal.  NO!  That only applies to those with private insurance.  Most diabetics don’t have such insurance.  Even if they have medicine, legislators are forbidden by law to offer such caps and drug companies can continue to raise rates and Millions of Americans don’t even qualify for Medicare and pay cash for their medicine.

          Diabetics are dying who can’t afford to pay cash for medicine.  Drug companies say they need to raise costs to recoup their initial investment of research. 

          Meanwhile, people are dying from the inability to afford insulin price increases.

By Donpete

I teach philosophy and psychology. I graduated from Ohio University, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and Chapman University in Orange County, California, I am a retired Air Force Chaplain and an ordained United Methodist clergy