Current Issues

Should Schools Reopen?

The Wall St Journal’s recent editorial gave the best argument for opening schools that convinced me to agree after being undecided. Here are a few arguments:

  1. In a typical year, 4,000  children under  15  die from unintentional deaths due to drowning, 190 from flu, 436 from suicide, but only  30 children have died from Covid 19.
  2. In Sweden  20 children under age 19 (.06% of cases ) were admitted to ICU.
  3. Children and parents are struggling with virtual education which is not as effective as the classroom.
  4. Missing school has serious consequences consequences for normal social and psychological development including learning emotional skills.
  5. Many parents face lack of child care and will not be able to return to work.

Well, I am convinced until I heard recent news from the CDC—100,000 deaths per year are possible in November along with a double whammy of flu and Covid, Also 13% of Americans have never worn a mask nor ever will. Some large groups like Sports may be allowed. Our Government cannot work as a unit in dealing with this pandemic. We could possibly see a sudden explosion of this pandemic in America.  I am now back to being undecided about how or even whether to open schools.

By Donpete

I teach philosophy and psychology. I graduated from Ohio University, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and Chapman University in Orange County, California, I am a retired Air Force Chaplain and an ordained United Methodist clergy